invert the status quo.jpeg

Challenge Conventions

Make it fail by breaking the expectations of an image, technique, or entire genre.


Challenge Conventions.

Time Limit

A single shooting session (Optional 1 hour of visual research beforehand).

Aims and Objectives

Consider the tropes associated with photographing a person, or the expectations of architectural photography. What are the norms of a landscape image, or an iconic nature shot? Conventions exist as “best practice” — a recognised safe zone. They stand the test of time as gimmick techniques and technologies come and go. But rules, or frameworks, sometimes need to be rebelled against to “see” differently.

Take some time to research a type of photography that interests you and reflect on its expectations. On the next available opportunity, dedicate an hour to the technique or genre. Use whatever is accessible to you — either in a controlled environment, or outside. Your objective is to use any identified tropes, and test ways to subvert them. The aim is not only to understand why conventions exist — but also to experiment with failure, as going against the grain is a way to discover new methods of thinking and doing.

You may find a way of capturing the zeitgeist, or simply conclude that familiarity has limitations in what it communicates to a viewer.


A camera with at least one manual setting for focus and/or exposure. A post-processing application.


Take a series of photographs that use the conventions you have found, and explore ways the status quo can be inverted. At the end, select one “correct” use of a convention, and one wildcard image that challenges expectations.

Critically reflect on what each one communicates. Did making it fail lead to a more imaginative and expressive image, or was it simply a chance to be anarchic?

After completing the exercise, use the self-assessment page to review the direction you took.